poniedziałek, 6 marca 2017

What about spring? | Stylewe


Cześć wszystkim!

W końcu postanowiłam nie marnować czasu i korzystając z okazji, że wiosna zbliża się wielkimi krokami, postanowiłam wrócić na bloga. Tak, tak. Sama chyba do końca w to nie wierzę. Minęło bardzo dużo czasu od mojego ostatniego postu, jednak nie był on ostatnim na moim blogu.
Za mną już pierwszy semestr studiów. Nie było łatwo dostosować się do nowego trybu życia i zaklimatyzować się. Jak widać, dałam radę i jestem tutaj z Wami po raz kolejny i mam nadzieję, że nie ostatni! ;)

As you probably noticed, once again I have the pleasure to work with StyleWe (CLICK). I'm really obsessed with this page! Someone people  believe being „unique” is not for everyone. But...Why not?  I know people who dress quite ordinary, wear what’s hot at the moment, do not experiment and look good.  Do you want be a original? Go to StyleWe! You can find there a lot of original and high quality clothes because  StyleWe featuring independent fashion desingers.

It will soon be spring!!! Maybe do you need dresses? It's easy! Stylewe has a huge selection of Romper dress ♥ Immediately you find something for yourself or maybe to your sister or mum?

I think that each of you knows about off shoulder tops. You can BUY it there! Multicolored tops and the most original!  I really recommend and what more... These shirts will make you "shine" among friends. You don't like tops in this style? Maybe ordinary Black tank tops will be good for you? Do not wait and check already Now what occasions are waiting for you.

Ok guys! I know that many of you likes DIYS. Don't you? Stylewe's blog is a perfect page for you if you are looking for ideas for t-shirt. How to cut a t-Shirt for summer?  It's easy. Click there and check!  These DIY methods will elevate your artistic sense and save money of course. 
So, if you have a free time and don;t have money for next huge shopping... Let's work! 

Have you ever used a DIY? What was your experience?

Love you all, Nika! 

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